NMG Administrators Botswana has adopted a Citizen Economic Empowerment Policy which is aligned to the Economic Inclusion Act (2021) in terms of which it supports the empowerment of citizens and citizen owned enterprises. The implementation of the policy has resulted in the company having 100% of employees as citizens and continuously appointing citizen owned enterprises as service provides. The company has further ensured the transfer of skills, technology, and capacity to citizens of Botswana.
Additionally, the company maintains a Corporate Social Investment Policy which articulates the company’s corporate social responsibility activities in line with its company’s strategic objectives. The company remains committed to being a responsible corporate citizen having clear corporate values, recognizing the interest of the others and communities, being transparent and following best corporate governance practices.
Every year NMG hosts its global Charity Challenge initiative whereby the company donates funds for every mile run, walked, cycled or swum by its staff, over a 3-month period. All ~800 employees from across the globe participate in this challenge. For every mile completed by NMG’ers globally, NMG pays R5. Over and above the physical aspect, NMG’ers also embark in fundraising initiatives, on a small, medium and large scale and in South African, our largest fundraising initiative is the Golf Day. All funds raised are matched by NMG – rand for rand.
NMG Administrators Botswana Pty Ltd is an authorized financial services provider licensed by the Non Bank Financial Institutions Regulatory Authority.
2025 © NMG Administrators Botswana. All rights reserved.